Clock-wise API

Using Clock-wise is easy. Just direct your requests at with your usual parameters. Clock-wise will save them all, and create a new task. All we require from you is a key, your target url, and (in strict mode) to let us know what cron expression you want to control when to send the request. POST requests only please

Query URL

Your Parameters

Submit your parameters as you'd like them to be forwarded.

Clock-wise Specific Parameters

These are the parameters we use to process your job. They are all of the form


Key (required)

Generate new keys in the backend, and pass a valid key with each request.


URL (required)

Where do you want the request to go? Must be a valid url complete with protocol (https or http only). is a forbidden domain!


Strict (default: 0)

If this is set to "true", an invalid cron expression will return an error message. If it's set to false an invalid cron expression will be replaced with "* * * * *". Valid values: 1 or 0.


Crontab (default: * * * * *)

Crontab strings are a way of specifying times to run a task. It's a string with five parts – if a time meets the criteria of each of the five parts, it's a time on which the task will run. The best way to learn the syntax is a to have a play with it, I recommend The crontab needs to be one of two inputs, either:

  1. Broken down into an array


  2. An ordinary crontab string

    clockwiseapi[crontab]=5 4 * * *

Both of these examples behave the same

Repeating (default: 0)

The task can be set to repeat whenever the crontab string is matched. If this is not set to true, the task will run once and then stop. Valid values: 1 or 0.


Auth (no default)

If this is provided the request will be made using Basic Auth with the credentials provided. Accepted only in the form user:password - user and password separated by a colon


Method (default: POST)

The method by which we will send the request. We accept any of the following: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, HEAD, CONNECT, and OPTIONS.
